Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hello Lainey.
My dear, quirky Lainey.
You're four years old!!
Here are some of the things you love right now:
 Your Kitties
Cheerios and honey
Your Kitties

 Playing in the dirt
Pink boots!!
 The chickens, and collecting their eggs everyday
(and your kitty)
You try really hard to always love your brother
 but he likes to make it difficult.
 You love your dance class
And you try to practice at home
 We love and adore every minute of you, and we're so happy you're part of our family.

Oh, and you love your Kitties!


Taylor and Mackenzie Nelson said...

She's so adorable. And Tess I LOVE your photo taking skills.

Jayne said...

Cutest post ever, Tim. You're getting good at this bloggin stuff.

Camille said...

I love Calvin sitting on her on 25th street... I LOVE YOU LAINEY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Nakita Ellis said...

She is so cute! I love the picture of Calvin sitting on her!!