Monday, October 10, 2011

Warm at last

The past few days have been freezing cold in our house
I have literally gone outside in the rain to warm up
Our house is very poorly insulated and our heaters use so much power I'm fairly certain we are the main reason for global warming (and not because of the amount of heat they put off)
So I finally decided to try using our scary old fireplace. We've never successfully used it so its probably been at least eight years since this thing was used.
The kids and I went and bought a "flue cleaning log" and some creosote buildup remover and gave it a go.

And guess what? this thing puts off some major heat!
Our house has been toasty warm all day.
 Totally worth the four dollar log :)

And there's nothing better on a cold stormy night than a bath and a fire to sit by afterwards


Jayne said...

That takes me back!

Remember not wanting to get out of the tub until Dad had the fire going? Then running pell mell for it? It's true - there's nothing like it.

Your kids are cute. I like 'em.

Siege eh said...

Good Job, Superwoman Tess!

JoAnn said...

No, that was JoMama

Diana said...

I'm glad you're warm(er)!

P.S. I love that chair...Ikea?