Thursday, January 02, 2014


Alrighty folks. after taking a short break from blogging (A mere 14 months), My new years resolutions for 2014 are as follows:
1. Have a baby
2. Blog at least twice.

I like to keep it reasonable.

So, I feel like I should do a little catch-up post. Here is a quick fill-you-in for 2013:

A crazy trip to california.
The trip wasn't really crazy, but Jayne and I were.
Cal turned 3!
Spring came!
And springtime animals

These little fuzzies needed a home
But my favorite part of spring was my new garden!!!
With a little (lot) of help from some friendly neighbors, we had a beautiful spot and a garden fence.
I couldn't find any pictures of the garden in the fall, but we had a nice little crop :)
Charles and I celebrated our 8th anniversary
Yes, we went fishing on our anniversary, and I didn't take any pictures of the two of us, but it was actually super fun, and we didn't have any kids with us! (thanks Jojo)

I hung-out with the pretty horses by the river

During our usual Liberty days 4th of july celebrating, Lainey was absolutely set on doing the Chicken catch. 
Her competitive side came out, she dove, and she caught that little chicken before any of those other 5 year olds. oh dear.

Jayne and Caleb bought an awesome house in Midway. they had lots of projects going on so we spent many a summer day there... helping? distracting?
leaving all the kids with Caleb so we could be our usual awesome selves?

The house projects SLOWLY kept happening
This happened.
Then I got fat.
and cut off all of my hair
(why do I always do that when I get pregnant??)

Our first stitches

Lainey started KINDERGARTEN AAHHH!!!!!
Camillio came home
And got Married.

Our first-born passed away :(
He is hugely missed.
I will post some photos of his grave in the spring. Lainey planted about 80 daffodil bulbs around it :)
My fridge was taken over by eggs
Lainey turned 6!
She wanted to go to Crystal hot springs and then out for hot chocolate in our jammies
The kids turned into Ninjas
And Chuck brought sexy back.

Thats about it!


Camille said...

I like this

The White's said...

Seriously how did I not know that Cami got married. We really need to see each other more often. Looks like it was a fun year :)

JoAnn said...

A lot of people didn't know Cami got married! WE barely knew it!
GREAT year, Abbotts!

gr.nette said...

That's sexy?

Jayne said...

The photo of Grandpa Tom... I mean CHUCK in the Garden CRACKS ME UP.

Where did you find that creature?